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Wild Honey


If you go there, go with me,


Wild Honey…


If you go there, take me please


Wild… Honey…


… Guaranteed. ♾️


Do you know when you’re really light when your smile radiates the glow of the sun, and laughter is etched on your face, and you are so light, so boyous… so … jubilant… so, free of cares for a second you could just lift off the ground and float away in the sky?


I’ve seen you that way before…


it reminds me of a time you were that way… all the time.


I think we had a little hut… with flowers… fields of flowers surrounding us on the cliff top…


It was beautiful… and so high up.


A waterfall nearby, pouring down to the Earth.


And we, defying gravity.


Back when we could fly.


You loved… to go pick flowers for me, help me braid them into my hair.


You were a King,


And I, your Queen…


Simply of birthright.


Our joy, our love, our light – Our balance, kept the peace in the 3 worlds by us simply being Our Selves.


Om… Shanti.


It was beautiful…


I would go out hunting with my bow and arrow… flying through the trees to find something to catch for us for dinner.


A kiss from you and the soaring of my heart was the only propulsion I needed to jump backwards off the side of the cliff and swoop up into the air.


Where you’d wave me off…


Go get em’ baby…


My Queen…


And I’d go and find something for us for dinner, and you’d cuddle me by the fire… while it roasted… if I caught something good that day…


Allowing us that time together…


This was nature’s kingdom.


The natural world…


And we took our places in it.


Like everyone else… with respect, joy and love


It was a harmony.


This balance.


That we were also a part of


The cycle… of Life.


Taking only what we need… and always giving back.  With prayers for our food of gratitude.


We would sit by the fire and you’d sing songs for Me…


Do you remember our night flying?


When the moon was full and I’d dress in the way you’d like…


It was like a mating ritual… but so sacred… full moon light we could see by… as we flew…


Into the dark night sky… the stars alight…


You holding my hand…


Your pretty bride.


And we’d fly in the night air,


As if we could reach the moon and the stars…. Laughing as the joy of it all overtook us and we’d circle around one another trying to catch each other as we laughed and flew in the sky…


Nothing to worry about… it was just you and I…


And we’d soar and race and spin around and, on some nights, when we could control our laughter, you’d portray me next to the moon and say… I was better.


And midflight, you’d grab my waist,


And sing, as we joined together and you would hold my waist and take my arm…


The Fairy King & Queen


We looked like…


Dancing amid the stars in the night sky


And all of creation would look up in the night sky… and make a collective sigh…




All was right in the world…


So long as the King and Queen were dancing…


And so, we did… and you’d take me… among the luscious jungle tree tops, glowing flowers and strange but magical life and make love to me in a giant flower, amidst all the soft nectar and we’d feast upon each other like there was no greater joy in the entire creation than Each Other….


So much a darker turn those words have taken today but that was how it was back then… in the light… a lightness of it… the nectar…

And us… it’s just how it was…

What it felt like.


Intoxicated… with one another.


This bliss… this joy… this union


Of Shiva and Shakti


The Divine Masculine & Feminine…


Do you remember flying over the water?  And how we could dip down over the vast blue seas and touch our fingers on the water as we flew…


And the dolphins… and my friends… the whales… they’d sense us and rise to the surface, jumping and playing as we laughed and spun and jumped among them.


So much excitement…


So happy they were to see us.


Do you remember Andromeda?

… The first yuga… you created that night to show me you remembered?  It was just…


Like that.


And the joy I felt… to be back.




It was unimaginable…


We rode the waves and the winds and played with our friends and lived carefree as all of creation was in balance… With our Love


Our Divine Love… being the most sacred of it all.


We worshipped – each other.


This was God’s Grace in Our Lives.  God Him Self, in the form of You and I.


And we worshipped it.


Worshipped Him – in One Another…


The Sanctity of our Love was our altar.


He our Creator


And We found Him,


In Each Other.


Our most sacred responsibility was to care for and nurture the other…a God and Goddess given just to us by our Maker…


We had no other responsibility but to Love…


One Another.


Harmony and Balance


In all of creation


Because… we had


Each Other


What it is Non- Duality…


Oneness… Maya to



It is You,


And it is Me…


Together… Forever. ♾️ 



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