I felt you understand today about not knowing what was real. I felt you understand in a deep way. How… that can feel. How horrible it is… the worst feeling. Feeling crazy… or misunderstood…
or alone… but worse… then that even
not knowing what is real and what isn’t.
It was the worst feeling I’ve ever had in my life.
One I know intimately well from a separation I underwent a long… time ago….
as you might say.
I wondered… how you knew… how you … felt … compassion for me when I said that, the last thing, I’d expect … from you…
especially about that… I thought you always wanted to hurt me, get revenge… but… you understood in such a deep way… had compassion.
… I remember feeling like I had to make sure you know I loved you… like… everything I did had to tell you – affirm it, or you’d feel I didn’t, doubt it, not know it even if I was right there in front of you. Why I was so driven to do all I did – to the lengths I went. Even to telling you in a way you’d allow me to… a way you could receive it… you had to know… or you’d doubt
it is what I felt, even though, it was obvious, or so it seemed…
Maybe… that is from where you know it.
I mirror it…
Did God… love you
was it real – wasn’t it.
I feel the same way…
with you. - ♾️
You say you love broken and dark things… like… to fix them
Beautiful… you say to me…
I wondered how, so deep in your soul I feel it…
Because you are… Adam
You Are. - ♾️