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The Tale of Radha Rani


Updated: Dec 24, 2024

I was watching a very high vibrational film one night about a month ago called Samadhi: It's Not What You Think (2018), directed by Daniel Schmidt, when I fell into a deep sleep and had some very revealing dreams that came from deep, deep in my consciousness. I feel, to help me become aware of what is playing out in my life - the lessons I am learning. Because as they say, to see is to be free. Only once you become aware of something within yourself, can you heal it. So, this is why I tell this tale... the story of what my soul showed me, so we can become aware... so we can heal it... so we can be free... As One. The natural state of our beings... as ShivShakti.


What I saw was quite profound... deeply saddening at first but revelationary. The dream started with an introduction, where the Narrator was going to tell one of the stories from our scriptures… he asked, would you like to hear the one from the Mahabharata? The Ramayana? The Chapter of the Gita? The one where Shiva bound Parvati Maa?

And I wondered to myself, why would Lord Shiva bind Parvati Maa? So, the Narrator decided to go on and tell that one.


And the scene shifted and I saw the story as if it was unfolding before my eyes…


I saw Lord Shiva as if at the beginning of the tale and he was speaking to himself… he said, I wonder if I call my Radha Rani, if she would come forward for me? This struck me, as although many associate Radha with Krishna, we forget, the Divine is One… so Radha, Parvati, Sita, etc. … all the forms of the Goddess, they are One. And Shiva, Brahma, Krishna, Ram, Vishnu, etc. … all the forms of the Masculine are really one too. And in the film Samadhi I had never before heard it described this way, that all these deities are really representations of Shiva and Shakti… because inherently they are one. Krishna and Radha, Ram & Sita, Vishnu & Lakshmi, whatever forms you choose – they are all really Shiva & Shakti. They are all really One.


So, Lord Shiva began the tale by asking this question… if his Radha Rani would come forward if he called her… as if he wasn’t sure if she would… as if he felt she was upset with him somehow… that she never would… So, he did call her forward… and this is how…


I began to see the image of Radha, dressed in regal purple with her crown and chunni over her head, her beautiful jewellery, her sindoor painted on her fingertips and palms, her toes and the bottom of her feet like she was ready to dance. I saw her as he imagined her, the image of her he wanted to call forward, and the story began.


Lord Shiva took Parvati – his wife, his love, his consort… and he bound her. With a cord… Only he knew how to bind her, and in seeing this my heart tore open in pain to know, of all the beings on this Earth that could have done this to her… it was her Lover... her Shiva. He bound her, and in her confusion, she asked… but why? My Mahadev, what are you doing? Why are you doing this? Looking at him with love, with questioning and trust… not understanding as he tied her up, and walked away.

Only as he started to leave, and she began to struggle against her bonds, did she begin to realize what was happening. She began to wail, sobbing and screaming and yearning and aching, calling for her Mahadev, begging him to return. Asking him to come back… The betrayal I witnessed cast so much pain in my heart, it was almost too much to bear. Except for the fact that struck me – but this is Shiva! And she is his Shakti! He loves her!


And all I could wonder is why would he do this to her? He loves her more than life itself. There has to be a reason! And some other part of me, the witness to this all, was just relieved thinking, as that moment when he left her struck me – well at least I’ve gotten through that part already… Just grateful the pain of that part surely couldn’t happen again, it was already behind me.


But as I watched her as she cried, as she screamed, as she was suffering in her pain calling for her Shiva… I saw her Mother turning to her and yelling at her in her disbelief at what was happening. Her Mother with her back towards the way Shiva had left…and yelling frantically at her daughter. How can you still call for him when he did this to you! When he left you!! All the rejection and abandonment and betrayal her Mother was feeling directed at her to see her daughter hurt in this way, and she in her desperation trying to get Parvati to stop, to calm down, to put him away, to cut herself off from him, to just forget about him – although she knew how unthinkable it was to ask this of her. It was simply a result of this calamity of him leaving – something no one ever thought would be done.


Because how could she ever do that? Parvati is Shiva. And Shiva is her. It is her nature to be with him, to love him, to care for him, to be One with him – she could not be any other way. It is how she was made. How could anyone expect her to be any other way? Than what she truly is – his Shakti.


And in this pain, in this desperation, in this wailing and crying and struggling and abandonment and excruciating pain, all I could feel was Shiva’s pain. I couldn’t imagine how hard it was for him to do this to her. To bind her like that and leave her… to walk away as he did, despite her cries. For him to have to listen to her wails and screams and cries pleading for him to come back to her in all her desperation. I could not imagine what that would do to him to hear her like that, as all the heavens and the three worlds could hear her cries, surely he could too.


I felt his pain as he watched her, as he watched his Shakti cry for him, and it broke my heart even further, to feel her Shiva’s pain at what he had done to her.


And I knew the truth, despite her Mother, and she knew it too – he could have only done this out of immense love for her – He is her Shiva. He loves her more than anything in this world. But why? Why? The question was why…

As I watched her cry and struggle in her realization he was gone, she began to transform… she began to dance, and I saw her twirl within the confines of this binding around her… Parvati began to transform… as she danced, her feet pounded, her arms twirled, she spun, and spun, and spun, until this golden light began to spill off of her… In her singing, her dancing, her twirls and her arms reaching in height in breadth… golden lights were spiralling off of her… Parvati Maa was becoming Radha Rani! And she danced, and she sang, and she twirled, around and around, for her Shiva, so he would come back for her. So he would remember her, remember he loved her. Because he always loved her dancing most of all, as she sang for him and moved to her own tunes…

She danced so much the golden light of her essence began to transcend matter…it began to transcend the bindings of the ropes, it could not contain her true essence for, of course, she was no ordinary woman, she was a Goddess on Earth. And nothing – not even him - could contain her. The ropes held, but she had simply grown beyond them…

And I wondered to myself as I watched this scene, what could he be wanting her to see? To see she could never be bound? To realize they were One, regardless of material cords, nothing could separate them? For her to become One with herself in all her power, so she would know he was right there, that he never left her? What could it be for it seemed she had achieved all of that in her display of love for him, in all her desperation…

Shiva wanted to see if his Radha Rani would come forward if he called her… and she did. From Parvati she transformed into Radha Rani in her love and longing for him. The One True Queen, calling for her One True King.

Yet he did not come.

Why was he not returning?


What did he want her to learn? What more could she do… the suffering becoming unbearable for her… for him… what was he waiting for? How much longer could this go on?


Lord Shiva wanted to see if his Radha Rani would come forward if he called her, in this tale yet unfinished, but why?

She came forward indeed, but why did he call her?

These were my thoughts as I woke up that day from this deep dream… And I felt it so deeply inside I had to ask him, My dear Mahadev… in the one place I felt his presence the most strongly… The Temple dedicated to him… and his Rani. And I asked him in my heart as I bowed to him, but why… why did you want to see if your Radha Rani would come forward? What was it all for?

Why did you call her forward?

And I felt his response… to my question, why?

To see if she could be healed.


And it struck me… what if… what would happen… if Radha’s Krishna finally came back for her? What would happen on Earth to all those devotees that sing their praises, if that unresolved love story was finally fulfilled? The joy that would be felt in the Global Collective at the triumph of Love, in the hearts of all those involved? What would happen if this time, Lord Krishna decided not to marry Rukmini, but instead return for his love, his Radha Rani?


What if this was the one unresolved love story of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine that needed to be resolved, to be healed so humanity could become balanced, so the collective could be healed in the union of Shiva and Shakti, in the one form where they were separated and never brought together in their love.

What if this time it healed? For not only them, but for the Radha that exists in every woman, who feels her pain, and the Krishna in every man who feels his?

What if true love won this time?


What if Lord Shiva brought forward his Radha Rani, so she could finally be healed – and realize she is his Parvati, when he returned to her in his love, promising to never leave her again, when Shiva became Krishna, and married her instead.


What if this is the story we are playing out?


The moment when the Gods in us become One. After being separated for so long.


What if this is what sets us free?


What a beautiful story that would be indeed…

With my love always,



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