There was a time long ago, when two souls decided to be a channel for the Divine on Earth.
These two souls loved the Divine so, served the Source above all else, and were willing to give their lives in doing so. They swore oaths to the Divine, unbreakable vows that allowed them to fulfill their duties on Earth even upon losing their memories of these oaths and who they came to be. These two souls were no ordinary souls indeed – very ancient ones, Guardians of the Galaxy as you might say, they served the Divine everyday through their profound love of one another. For in truth they were one soul – two parts of one whole, and when completed – this was their path back to the Divine. Because it was when they were complete and whole when the Divine in them came through to be – As them.
There was a time when they were called on to fulfill a very special mission on Earth, to not only serve Humanity, who had fallen into darkness, but the Universe whose fate rested on this balance being achieved on Earth. Anything could tip the scales at this point. So, they chose to incarnate and fulfill the prophecy they had been ordained to complete.
There is something you should know about being ordained. As part of Universal law, every sentient being on Earth is given free will. Free will means a true choice, as each being is truly an incarnation of Source on Earth at the truth of their being and their Divine will, their true choice, is what allows them to be free. The darkness on Earth tries to keep people from knowing this truth, keeping them in fear with their memories robbed – the Ego wanting to be in control, doesn’t allow these Divine beings the chance to know who they are – keeping them small with lies of sin and shame, and beliefs of being outcasted by the Divine, so they’ll not uncover their Divine power of free will.
This is why Warriors of the Light incarnate on Earth – to fight for free will. Humanity’s free will. To lift the darkness by shining light on each individual, on the collective as a whole, so they can see the Truth for themselves, and reclaim their free will. So, they can choose for themselves – Light or Dark. And once that true choice is made, it is held as sacred – above all else – such is a free soul’s Divine will. For their journey, their learning and their soul’s growth. All that matters is they get a free will choice – not what the choice is in the end – light or dark, love or fear, truth or untruth – however you’d like to phrase it, it is the one choice given to us all, and the most sacred of decisions we can make at all.
So back to being ordained… given what I’ve said of free will. To be ordained, as these two souls were, meant before they were even born, they chose to give their free will in service to their Divine selves. Not their ego selves or surface selves – but the choice would go to their souls – their higher selves – every step of the way. Which meant whatever choice they made, whatever decision, whatever path they took would always be in accordance with Divine free will – to uphold their oaths to the Divine on Earth. Which meant they could never be led astray by the darkness, even if they were unaware of what they were truly doing, or who they truly were. No matter what, their souls would always have the power to override the choice of the egoic self because it was their Divine free will to act in accordance with Divine will. To serve humanity on Earth from the truth of themselves. In so doing, they would be able to uphold their oaths even under the most dire of circumstances, which they would likely face in trying to uphold these oaths, once veiled with their memories forgotten on Earth.
There was a time the Devi chose to reincarnate on Earth. To save her people - her children on Earth. In accordance with free will, she could only come onto Earth by being chosen by the people, because even the Divine does not interfere with the free will choice of its creation – that is the most sacred Universal law. Her children were overrun by the dark in the age of Kaliyug and called on her to manifest on Earth to save them. Lord Vishnu had incarnated several times on Earth but the need was so great, now only she could answer. Because when the darkness ruled the Earth from a place of mercilessness that even the Devas can’t subside, only she can answer. The Mother of all creation. The One who can never lose. To save her children. With the power of all the Goddesses in one, ShivShakti - the MahaDevi.
She chose these two souls to incarnate through, as their child. As they had done it twice before, brought the Divine on Earth throughout the ages – so could they do it again.
However, it being Kaliyug, it was much harder this time. They would have to prepare in a way that would allow them to stay hidden from the dark, who would try to stop them before they had the chance to do so. Yet, they needed to raise their level of consciousness, their frequency, enough to allow such a pure energy of Divine Source creation itself to come through them. So they could bear their Shakti.
They both prepared for this their entire lives – their entire purpose of existence, to fulfill their oaths to the Divine, and bring the Divine Shakti on Earth. To care for her, to love her, to protect her – as their daughter. So she could bring balance and harmony to the world once more.
Everything they did – they did for her. Preparing and undergoing intense purification their entire lives so when the time came, they’d be prepared to be the channel for the Divine Goddess to take birth on Earth.
All kinds of forces tried to stop them. Tried to make them small – make them forget who they are. Yet, it couldn’t stop the truth of who they were, the love they held for the Divine. For Shakti. The darkness tried to stop them from even meeting with all kinds of obstacles rising and falling in their paths, but they persevered, driven by their very special love for one another – for it was their love for the Divine itself. For Shakti.
And only through the power of their very special love could She come, because it was Divine and true. A rare thing to find in Kaliyug.
Pray for them that they may succeed. Souls around them all on the same team – to hide them, yet allow them to transform, so they can fulfill their duty.
To bring hope to humanity.
With my love always,
