Do you remember it?
Black armour… with chain mail and silver embellishments…
sword handle with black filigree and the finest metal blade
what looked like the fleur de lis on the crest of our uniforms in
The King’s Guard…
Fencing in the morning together before dawn… our friends not far by…
Brothers, sworn by oath,
even if I was female
you always said not a very attractive one, the men would take one look at me and run away.
Best swordsman though (better than you even, you’d say) emphasis on the man part.
Meanwhile you were always after some girl or the other…
not one woman could hold your gaze for long enough.
I forced you to though, or else, I’d run you through.
Best matched fencing partners, so we always practised together, pushing each other further.
And who were we?
Who was I really?
Your best friend.
We were Best Friends.
How did I get there exactly… in an all-male guard… front line?
Well, my brother was, and he didn’t know what else to do with me for one… he had no one else to look over me… so he took me with him to train, to practise, to hang out at the palace.
One day I was playing around with a sword and disarmed you - the King’s best swordsman, and a courtier saw me… I want Him…
You’re hired. You start immediately.
Biggest smile from Me.
And the pride on my big brother’s face.
I was good. Of my own right.
That was how I got in.
How they let me in anyway.
How I stayed in…
Was another matter.
Had to be 10 times better than anyone else to prove I deserved to be there.
But you never saw it that way.
I was just like everyone else to you – no less – for better or for worse,
one of the Men.
Maybe even more manly than them you’d like to add, on second thought.
Who’s narrating this – You or Me?
I’m telling the story!
I did get my own room though, I did used to add.
You said they’re just handing out rooms these days… well you wouldn’t want to see what’s under there anyway, then my game would be up.
Then I’d knock you on the head and ask if I should hit a little harder since I was so manly…
No… no….
And off to bed.
First female of the King’s Guard.
I was something to talk about.
But you didn’t let anyone else say those things to me though…
Only you were allowed.
As much as my brother told you to let off it…. he let you in the end because the four of us would end up laughing so hard we were in tears.
What could we do –
It was You and Me.
6 am Drills but I could never wake up on time so you did me the courtesy of banging the door with your armour to wake me instead.
All of us down there practising.
Leap, twist, parry, deflect.
You nearly nicked me a good few times, on purpose, I said.
Never Madam.
… the only courtesy you’d give me.
Everyone used to love to watch us fight – make bets on who would win. One always said, Me… Another was unsure one way or the next - we were too evenly matched.
In the end we took turns…
But you’d never just say you let me win.
You did me that Grace.
Wouldn’t belittle me like that.
Not even you,
Your Grace.
Fighting together all morning, laughing, sweating, bleeding, real fighting sometimes and then laughing again
that was always us.
Off to the stables after and if it was me and you on duty to help take care of the horses…
You could be sure there’d be straw in my hair… in my nose… in my mouth by the time we were done in there.
It’s not fair I’m a girl! Trying to shake it out of my hair.
A girl?
Show Me!
I don’t see one…
Let her know how to reach me would you? Be a doll…
And we’d walk out and you’d mess it up some more playfully.
Two of the King’s best.
Best friends
We were indeed.
Your one-minute relationships were always a topic of conversation.
Which girl was it today?
Last night’s?
This morning’s?
Do we have an after tea and before?
Oh, those were twins, got it.
Giving you advice about what a real woman was like.
How would you know sir!
You’d say.
And I’d reply with a sigh,
Fine, don’t listen and see what kind of Mother you’ll get for your child.
You wouldn’t say anything much to that, you’d just get quiet and watch me.
And I’d catch your gaze and look at myself,
Do I have something on me?
You’d just turn and shake your head… No.
Ok… what’s with him, I’d wonder.
One time you’d said… Well maybe
a bit like you… looking down…
but you know… obviously….
A woman.
So that rules you out.
But… a Friend. Maybe…A friend like you.
You’re pretty alright.
You said.
Wonder if there’s anyone like you out there.
You’ll have to let me know if you find one.
I’d just keep grooming the horses…
Surprised… at what you’d said.
I’d blush a little and later
when we were leaving
Hey Astiar…
Yeah Mel.
You’d give me the salute and you’d be gone.
The funniest was when we’d talk about my love interests.
Roaming through the streets if we were sent out to patrol.
The King liked us to be visible to take part in all the duties in the Kingdom to lessen the sense of hierarchy.
He was a King of the people and wanted his guard to set the example.
We’d walk through town, maybe you’d snatch some bread for us to eat and toss a coin, as we weren’t really supposed to.
What about Him?
I’d ask.
Too tall.
Your quick reply.
Too fat.
Do you see that moustache woman, you don’t know what could be under that.
You called me a woman!
…I’ve been poisoned, what the hell is in this bread?
Him? Back at the castle.
Warts. I’m sure of it. Someone told me the other night.
Anyone else?
Well…. and I just wouldn’t say anything.
Not like you looked at me like that anyway.
We were just friends.
You’d say.
Case closed.
I’ll race you back.
Oh wait but!
Too short!
Sighs and I’d laugh and we’d be off once more.
Racing back with the wind in our hair under the overcast sky… to the castle
We always had each other’s backs in battle too.
If I got knocked off my horse and struggling on the ground, a hand would grab me and toss me up and I was somehow on the back of your horse as you faced them all head on for us.
I knew for any one of you, I’d be willing to give my life and that’s how we fought.
One eye on the opponent and another on each other. With all of us in it together – we were more than covered.
All for 1
and 1 for All.
We truly were – Brahman.
When I thought you’d forgotten Me…
after we were revealed in our song,
I woke with the memory
in between deep sleep and awake,
of my red hair flying in the wind as I stood over you and the clouds circled ahead with enemies in all directions and the battle raging. Me standing in front of you, lying on the ground behind me, and I was positioned to protect you from all of it.
I stood above you with my red hair flying in the wind – defending you with my entire being – till the end.
And your voice said,
How could I ever forget?
This is who we were on and off the field.
One. Even. Love
of the highest order and respect
And when it came time for us to storm the enemies’ castle for King and country and we needed a Queen to walk in to the Gala unnoticed – from a foreign country…
It was I who took the role – after much debate.
It was the only way.
So, we had the King’s maids dress me up and you accompanied me, our men at our sides as butlers, and doormen, and coachmen and the likes, hiding their weaponry as we entered the enemy’s Kingdom to retrieve what was rightfully ours.
When I walked down the stairs in that gown, those shoes, the makeup on my face and my hair softly brushed and twisted up – you just looked at me – for once at a loss for words.
Nothing you could say, mouth open as you stared at me,
searching but nothing came.
Words escaped you that night,
and that was saying something.
Let’s get this done I said,
and took your arm.
My dagger strapped to my thigh, halfway up my dress with stars lining my bodice – I was alright.
You saw me do the once over
And just smiled.
Princess, I heard, somewhere deep inside. An old memory forgotten, remembered.
And as we departed and went to the Gala… we walked in and engaged in all the pleasantries of the Court.
Jokes from our brothers all the way how I’d probably give us all away the moment I opened my mouth.
You didn’t say much at all for once.
I can do it guys – I can be a lady. I always have you just haven’t seen me.
I can be in disguise, you’ll see me be the best Queen you’ve ever seen.
And I was that night.
And I tried to joke with you as we circled the hall eating appetizers and making polite conversation with the other guests, but this seriousness came over you, not saying anything in response.
At one point in the night, with this sudden burst of frustration, mixed with tension
“Desire.” …
You said,
May I have this dance?
I curtsied with a smile, anticipating one of your jokes, but you took my hand and lifted me up and spun me around, as you shadowed my figure from behind.
And we began that way
with passion –
the Waltz
under the guise of another.
We waltzed the entire ballroom length in what felt like a dream, not able to say anything and then the music changed, and it was just you and me in the middle of the room in each other’s arms and the entire court was watching us with curiosity as we slow danced as if there was no one else in the world but You and Me.
I remember how it felt to be in your arms like that.
And all the passion of your being embracing me entirely.
We were woven together – You and Me.
And our brothers took their chance and retrieved the Chalice that had been missing that entitled Our King to his Kingship and Kingdom, stolen away in the rooms upstairs, as they had plotted to overthrow Him.
Our friends, closing the distance as we danced… in a room that held no one and nothing but You and Me
and something else we discovered
or rather that was allowed out the box that day
Our Love
filling the entire room, radiating from the intimate embrace of two
is what we turned out
to Be –
closing the distance
between You and Me.
Time stood still that day
And it has never moved since.
- An Eternal Love Story
No End.
- SDS ♾️
