There were times… we needed to go to this place… way up in the sky…. where there were rock formations hanging as if from the clouds themselves. So majestic they’d look… floating amongst the clouds, so surreal and serene all at the same time. Not many ventured up there… the vibration was so high, the frequency so vast – not many would go near. But we did.
You and Me.
We… were Air… And Air, Rises.
Naturally it was a resting spot for us up there in the clouds. A place we went to recharge. I remember… we’d pack a picnic basket. And you’d go finding my favourite fruits in nature, harvesting them for us, and me churning butter, gathering milk… picking what was close by… for our adventure. We had to keep a light, clean diet up there – it’s what we needed, supported by the high frequency.
When we packed our basket – we would dress – also lightly. Me – in a small white skirt, draped loosely around my hips and a half top barely covering my breasts, and a necklace made of whales’ teeth and brown beads around my neck – the blessing of my ancestors. And a spear in my hand. You as well, without much on – tattoos all over your shoulders in a spiral pattern – at the shoulders, the elbows, the wrists like spiral bracelets of geometric dimension. Your crown… made of white materials with feathers on it from the Eagles – King of the Sky you were… with Me.
Also wrapped around your waist the white cloth… with a golden belt… also of the King. I wore bracelets… white and gold with spirals on them… to mark Me as the Queen… of the Sky for when we go. It was important to embody our royal lineage, along with our simple garb to show the lineage of Priest and Priestess. And both of us carrying spears to denote the Warrior and the Warrioress – we were all of it. We had to be in our complete Divine Autonomy to go there or you’d be incomplete, unfit to be up there and begin to feel sick. We didn’t know it back then but that sickness was unworthiness of our Royal Divine Heritage and affected many – preventing them from going up there.
But not us. We knew how to prepare. What we had to be – Our Selves. The only way you could fly up that high and stay. It was the natural order of things that only few reached up there. But among them – You and Me.
The King and Queen.
And that – was important. Not only for Us – but for Everyone.
That we knew – Who we were.
Then, once prepared, you would take my hand, and flash me that beautiful smile of yours which I would return – two of the Sun. The Golden Sun – radiating and beaming for one another, and you’d point up to Him – Our Maker – and say, See you soon!
And we’d leap together off our cliff top Home and hand-in-hand we’d fly all the way up and around the planet to get there.
To the Hanging Vines.
When you reached up that high – it always felt like breaking a boundary to enter. Like when a plane lands on the ground today, but in a different way. Like entering another dimension… leaving the world – and its problems so far behind… up there in the wild. Not that there were many back then but that’s how it feels when I remember it now. That same feeling. Maybe even then, as we went for rejuvenation.
A break She says… it was a break from the world. As Queen & King… where we could just Be – Our Selves.
Restoration and Respite…in the cool waters of the pools… we’d be in the water under the light waterfalls and I’d cling to you and wrap around as you’d hold me and we’d love one another’s bodies… the first step… of the journey. The Love that made us one in the magical blue, cool pools of water underneath the waterfalls – and you and me becoming One.
You’d carry me out of the pools and lay me down on a feather bed and we’d rest in the Sun… just absorbing the Light until we were glowing in its heat and Radiance – from the inside out.
The soft sound of the birds cooing – native to the floating islands of rock… we called the hanging vines…
Next… we would sit up… and feed each other the fruits and the berries… Literally… a sensuous experience for all the senses. And bringing us even closer…
When we were filled… from the inside out, we’d gather our things … and walk… to the caves with the hanging vines…
Much may come up in this experience as it was a cleansing – a purification of the mind – to enter the higher states on the Island…. part of the journey upwards… but we’d do it.
Hand in hand… the way we always would.
We did it all – together. As One.
And we’d walk to where the forests on the rock were… my hands lightly touching the flowers and the moss on the walls of the caves within them. The hanging vines giving them coverage…
My hands gently touching them. So soft and cool … slipping between my fingers… as we’d enter their welcoming embrace like entering a fortune teller’s realm these days with the comforting scents and embrace. That is how it was then. The flowers… giving off beautiful musky scents in the dark cool caves… water seeping in on the Earthen rock floors, and crystal formations glittering as they were there to support the process of amplifying the emotional impurities that needed release. Aiding the Light to be channelled to help the cleansing process – much like a bath – for the mind.
And we’d sit together in the centre on a rock platform. Holding one another’s’ hands and sitting across from one another, as we’d silently enter into deep meditation using the breath as our anchor and our method – to go deeper. Our Love holding us together, cleansing us from the inside out – all impurities that came up.
Sometimes we’d scream or cry, not usually at the same time but even if it happened, we’d hear the other and hold tighter, comforting each other with our love that was stronger. This was our compassion. To hold space for one another.
One soul we were – in two bodies – we knew, how to love one another.
God staring back at each of us in the other. We held hands and we allowed the waves of emotion, the anger, the sadness, the fear, the doubt, the forgiveness, the love, the tears, the joy, the laughter, sometimes so much we couldn’t stop as we laughed madly in the crystal cave – echoing us together.
As the waves would subside, and we entered a state of unity, bliss, serenity and great joy – we’d sit – our grip relaxed, our hands so softly in one another’s, that we felt like one being – breathing there together. Where did you begin, where did I end? I didn’t know, it didn’t matter. This great masculine force from you – this solidity, this firm foundation, this manly appeal of attraction, everything I needed with the softness of love, tenderness and care with the defined masculinity – my anchor – you were always…
From me, the receptivity, where you become soft, and supple, light and boyous but also firm and fierce and electric – drawing you in closer with magnetic appeal. Graceful, intelligent – soft serenity. This delicate, yet infallible femininity. Where you became Light as a feather.
Your Angel – you’d always call Me.
One in mind and heart We became in the hanging caves…
And we’d exist, hand in hand, feeling so much lighter we could just float not even using our wings as we’d find the magic staircase that led us up, even higher.
That journey through the caves of purification now behind us as if it never existed.
Only Lightness in its place.
Like a whole skin – shed.
And new bodies, new minds who emerged – unified and whole and ready for the next chapter
As One unified soul.
We’d walk up the staircase to the top of the hanging rocks…
through the pools and the vines – one in both body and mind… as we’d elevate to the very top.
At the top, once we reached after the stunning climb up the staircase…. no more need for food, or water, or even to speak… just this comfortable, companiable silence…
We’d see all the places before us we’d just passed through and appreciate how high, and how far we’d come, as we entered the bare rock face of the top of the hanging rocks.
And together, we’d lie down, hand in hand, as we’d look up at the sky together and bask in the sunshine.
Just Us – And Our Maker.
And we’d hear His Divine messages for us – coming through the clouds around us, within us, through us…
One with one another.
One with Him –
Our Creator.
We’d take in the messages, the guidance, the inspiration
A child named
in Kaliyug
to bring it back to the
I beg of you.
- Brahman ♾️
Your wish is our command
We’d say as One
in our minds
and everything would erupt
in White Light –
- Shakti ♾️
