Have you ever gazed into the light of the setting sun, and wondered how the beauty of the yellow, the orange and the pink had crept into the sky, which was once the epitome of all that is blue? You realize it happened in a moment that blurs into the moment before and meshes with the moment after. The moment when the sky became a glorious array of golden yellow and burnt orange, and then in all its glory, blushed a deep pink, captivates you to the point where the moment before this grand transformation becomes a memory lost at sea in the tossing waves of your mind. It is now just a faint memory of what was, and no longer part of what could be.
The thought of what could be stirs feelings of excitement and some fear deep within you but the beauty that is the sunset erases all doubt from within your mind and gives you faith that you are ready for all that is to come.
You are my sunset.
The majestic event that eclipsed all others before and meshed with those that came after.
You are the common thread that strings together the events of my life. Moments have come, and they have gone, but you remain, the anchor to a swirl of instances.
No matter what happens in life, my love for you will always remain.
My love for you intertwines me with you, and you with me, until I realize there was never a moment when it was not so. Realizing you were always there with me, and I was there with you. Even in the depths of the blue sky when I couldn’t see you, your colours were still with me all along, pouring through my heart and weaved into the very fabric of my being.
And so, it is present in my every breath: my love for you.
And no matter the trials and tribulations that may thrash us in the wind, or the tremors that will shake the surface, nothing can touch that truth. And in those moments of chaos, I need only reach out and grab it, and all becomes calm and steady again; the only evidence of the storm: a rainbow painting the sky.
You are my everlasting sunset. And like the sunset, you remind me how beautiful life is and inspire me to become all that I truly am to be worth such a blessing.
And so how to describe my love for you?
My love is. It just is.
