Tell Me…
He said one day,
Tell me…
How you became so beautiful Shanti.
I must know… How you were made
Just so perfect… so beautiful
Just for me…
Om said
She smiled and had that faraway look in her eyes…
Shall I tell you… of the beauty of the Goddess and how She was made?
He nodded, Yes… please Shanti…
Bhagavan Shiva…
took the rivers of the Earth and weaved them into locks of her flowing, cascading hair.
Like waterfalls, they became, flowing from the crown of her head all the way to her waist…
Bhagavan Vishnu…took a beautiful red rose from his gardens in Vishnu Lokah… and painted her lips red with it, red and luscious and full – her lips were.
Bhagavan Brahma, brought the Entire Earth, and set it on her hips… a womb, a cradle of all Creation was held by the Mother…
Shiva picked flowers for her hair
and stars from the sky like glowing jewels for her eyes… so deep and golden and alight they were – streaming with light for her Heart, he put himself in it, in his meditative posture residing within Her always.
Eyelashes made of feathers of the birds, thick and dark lashes that created shade for when they were open and the golden light flew out.
From the trees, her stable limbs – arms, legs reaching from her torso made of fire – electric and full of will…
And in her mind, he breathed his breath of fresh inspiration – of love, of joy, of bliss…
Alighting her eyes with inspiration.
Conch shells, he placed on either side of her beautiful face, for ears, with which she would hear the song of the Universe, whether from the Sea or the Cosmos, Om, always ringing in her ears…
A garden of flowers… he picked the Lotus, and its sweet nectar, for her yoni, where he would always rest, as he belonged as One… with Her.
Juicy, luscious melons He picked to adorn her, as breasts, with the fragrance of Jasmine all over her body, and sea salt in her hair…
Fingers dainty with diamonds set upon them – rubies and sapphires
Toes with golden rings that graced the Earth She stood upon.
And wings of Feather…
He as Brahma gave to Her.
Fly now… my sweet one
And know you can never fall
For these wings I gave you with all my Love will never let you down.
They can never fail you.
Fly now…
And grace this Earth with my presence in it always.
Brahma Vishnu Mahesh
in One
I am Shiv Bhagavan
And you, my Shakti.
Let me find you, again and again on this Earth
and make sweet love to you in the heavens above and in the Earth below, for as Above, so below,
Let me find you again and again on this Earth – so we may become
One. – Shiv Bhagavan ♾️
And She smiles, Nods Yes
- 🔥 Shakti ♾️
So, She came on this Earth,
Only to be with Him.
Her Shiva… Her Creator
Her Maker
The reason She exists
Her Shiva…. His Shakti.
Hamesha, Hamesha.
SDS ♾️
