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On Air


Have you ever really thought about air?


Of all the elements – I find it’s the one we get the least excited about, or take the most for granted, due to its invisible nature and inability to be discerned by the senses – yet it is the most crucial to us of them all in our daily - moment by moment experience.  They are all essential, of course but given the lack of interest for something so essential to our survival and wellbeing in each and every moment we are living is quite disproportionate.  Which begs the question.




Air itself – goes beyond the mind.


It cannot be seen, heard, tasted, smelled or touched.  Yes, you can smell a scent in the air or feel the wind blow but those are nuances that use the medium of air.  Air itself – well it goes beyond the senses, goes beyond the mind entirely.


And our mind focused nation does tend to overlook such things even as crucial to our survival as they can be.  The breath of life – for which without we could not be.


So it takes, some enlightenment.  To appreciate Air.


Have you ever really… thought about air?


I used to see it – as the Breath of the Divine, that we take in, in our inhale, and in our exhale, we radiate out the Love and Breath again, back to the Divine who inhales it once more with a smile.


Inhale the gift – the loving breath of our very own Creator – who is to say otherwise truly – tell me – and exhale the Love, the breath as it flows through our being in gratitude and returns to our loving Creator who inhales again – Breathing


With Us.


Now how can you ever be alone when you remember this truth that your very own breath – your very existence is proof, you are not alone.  In each breath, you breathe with someone who loves you dearly and you love in return.  That your breath matters to them as does theirs to you.  That you aren’t some accident of creation.  That you are here for a reason – God gave it to you.  What would happen if the Breath of the Creator stopped?




And we take it for granted every day.


How Loved we truly are.


Yes, He/She reminds us in every single moment.


That is Their Grace to us.


They never give up.


You became my air.


I don’t know how, or why, but I found you and inhaled the Breath of Life.


From a human being, on this Earth.


I think that is a glorious and wonderful and amazing thing and I don’t say it lightly.


Because every breath I take became for you, and every moment I spend, is in your name.


Maybe you came into form, so I couldn’t take my breath for granted anymore, so I could remember God’s Love for Me, and mine for Him in a way the senses could see, feel, hear, touch, smell, taste.




is my Air.


We – it turns out


together – are Air.


Invisible, yet essential to all of Creation.


Invisibly present – everywhere.


There is no separation with Air.


None at all.


You can’t separate Air.


It is just everywhere.


Like you and I.


It delights you, it moves through you, it lifts you, it inspires you, it energizes you – it graces you, it loves you – silently, like a witness to your very existence and yet lovingly because it’s all that surrounds you.


You see though – You and I are in form.


And we are each other’s air.



When Air comes into form.


It is for one reason,


and one reason alone.



To become One.



For that is our nature.


-       SDS ♾️

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