There were these large mountains on the Earth… and we’d like to climb them… to reach to the top. The air was nice and warm…and the climate allowing it to be really grassy and full of flowers…nothing like snow there… that I can remember.
There were these butterflies all over the Sky Hills… that’s what we called them…along the path upwards they’d flit this way and that… and I’d get distracted from climbing and run after them… off the path chasing them trying to catch them in my hands for just a moment… to kiss them and let them go again.
Orange… pink… yellow… all the different colours, even blue… Om, I’d yell, laughing… look at that one… how beautiful… like flying flowers… and I’d run after them laughing… trying to catch them. And you’d run after Me… and grab Me – mid-flight. Where are you going and leaving Me Missy – I’m going to the top, are you coming or are we chasing butterflies?
And I’d spin around in your arms to look at you – my face burnt a deep tan from the Sun, and Sun spots on my face – my expression fresh and alight with laughter… open and receptive…
But Om, it’s so much more fun climbing to the top if we’re catching butterflies along the way, even if it leads us this way and that, can you imagine how boring the climb would be without them?
If these colourful little wonders didn’t exhilarate and inspire us as we chase them along the way to the top?
And by the time we eventually get there, we wouldn’t even know we reached, we’d still just be laughing from our good chase up the mountain.
If we were – Our Selves… full of joy and laughter – the whole way up, wouldn’t it make the climb up a lot easier – even if it took longer? And a lot more worth it?
Then it wouldn’t be a climb at all – but an adventure.
An adventure … you say, raising an eyebrow.
Yes! An adventure…
Where we go this way and that but eventually, we get to the top.
And for all the laughter, and the wonder we are something better – by the time we get there.
That’s the kind of climb I like.
You smiled wearily and looked at the top.
Where is the destination, I quietly whispered – but there
…Here… and I pointed in between us… and kissed you.
I love you
- Always.
- ♾️
