To Find Inner Balance to connect with the Goddess & God Within, Shakti & Shiva, To Become One. The Divine, on Earth.
A place where the mind, the heart and the body align as one with all that is – in yoga. (Fire)
A place of love, healing and universal being. (Water)
A place where we come together to discover our inner truths. (Air)
A place where we join as one, in unity, peace and love. (Earth)
The Principle of Shakti (Divine Feminine) – Prakriti (Form):
Om Asato Ma Sadhgamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya
Mrityor Ma Amritamgamaya
Lead me from Illusion to Truth
Lead from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Hare Om
Let there be peace, peace, and peacefulness
The Principle of Shiva (Divine Masculine) – Purusha (Formless):
Karpuura-Gauram Karuuna-Avataaram
Samsaara-Saaram Bhujage[a-I]ndra-Haaram
Sadaa-Vasantam Hrdaya-Aravinde
Bhavam Bhavaani-Sahitam Namaami
Pure White like Camphor, an Incarnation of Compassion,
The Essence of Worldly Existence, Whose Garland is the King of Serpents,
Always Dwelling inside the Lotus of the Heart.
I Bow to Shiva and Shakti Together.
The Goddess and the One who holds Her
Are one and the same.
We are inseparable.
The way to me is through Her.
The Divine, on Earth.
Through the balance of all 4 of these elements within our being, and by embodying the principles of the space that holds them, we become One with Shakti, with Shiva. We become
The Divine, on Earth.

Earth is the grounding principle in our beings. It is the foundation that holds us up, it is the grounding that keeps us on the Earth - ready to create, to grow, to live - to participate in life itself. When Earth is not balanced, it is very difficult to do any of the other activities of life that makes it so meaningful to us to begin with. With the two opposing forces of foundation and grounding - we are held in structure - in balance - where we can create. This is the function of Shiva, the Divine Masculine, within us all. The Earth Element. And how do we connect with it? Through our Shakti. This is where we engage with the technology of the sacred language that is Sanskrit, to open ourselves to receiving the vibration and frequency of the universal song. Along with practices to connect with the Earth herself - the winds, the earth, the water and the fire principles, where we worship our Divine nature with love and gratitude - within and without. We will engage in sacred conversation, using the fundamental teachings of universal creation as detailed in the Radiance Sutras between the Goddess and the One who holds her. Finally, in order to pass down this knowledge and continue this tradition so it may remain foundational to aiding humanity in its evolution towards Satyug – Vedic Priest & Priestess Training. All of these practises give us the foundation, on which to build a fulfilling, and meaningful life as we continue to engage with the other elements from this solid base of balance, stability and groundedness.
To cultivate balance of Earth (Shiva) within (Foundation & Grounding):
The Radiance Sutras
Connecting with the Elements
Vedic Priest & Priestess Training
Our inner fire, is what makes life worth living. It is the flavour, the zest, the raison d’etre. And when we are disconnected, with our inner fire, with those flames - we can find we are simply existing, rather than living. This disconnection can create stagnation, lack of energy, physical body temple misalignment through poor eating habits, addictions, and a general feeling of dis-ease in some shape or form, in our being. Our inner fire must be rekindled, with passion, with creativity, with the burning desires of our soul - our Heart’s Desires. Living the purpose, of our Soul. First, in order to align our body temple to our true soul nature - we use the practice of asana (physical postures) to align the body and mind and allow our souls to come through, as us. In addition to this, the use of pranayama (breathwork), in order to find that stillness and centre within where the prana or life force can flow freely through our bodies, enlivening us so we may reach our fullest potential in each moment of each day, and be our Best Selves. Then the cultivation of yoga through Kathak dance, called nritya - where we allow the Goddess and God within to flow through us intuitively, in an expression of our heart and soul. In doing so, we learn how to fine tune our body instrument so we can participate and engage fully in our lives and reach our fullest potential. In relation to this, the use of ritual, to cleanse and purify ourselves, as we offer ourselves to the flames of the Havan. To cultivate the flames within, We Become Them.
To cultivate balance of Fire (Shakti) within (Passion & Creativity):
Hatha Yoga
Kathak Dance
What needs Balancing: The Elements
75% of our beings are composed of water, in alignment with the Earth herself - the force that dominates our beings but gets very little attention, as it remains under the surface, hidden from view - our emotions. Water represents the flow of energy through our beings, and as we know on the level of the subconscious mind there exists thought, there exists belief - but underneath it all - this energy is held by emotion. Emotion, the flow of energy, through our being. When imbalanced, this can create great inner turmoil, allow old outdated belief systems to rule our beings that no longer serve us and create disruptive thoughts that simply reinforce the same cycles we have so long desired to break out of. To heal our lives, to truly be able to create from our Shakti within we have to be able to access Her, and the only way to access the Light within, is to release the darkness that remains locked and blocks the way. When we dive into our emotions, feel them fully - we can then release them. And what we find, under every emotion - is the Truth - which is simply Joy. When we experience our emotions fully, shine our inner light on them, the darkness dissolves and we come back Home, to our truth - to forgiveness, to love, to peace once more. Because that is in fact, What We Are. To facilitate this process of healing, and greater Being, we use the approaches of Vipassana, Awakening the Goddess, Energy Healing & Awareness, and the great joy of devotional music – which in and of itself – is simply, Healing.
To cultivate balance of Water (Shakti) within (Emotions & Healing):
Awakening the Goddess
Energy Healing & Awareness
Devotional Music

Air is the force that uplifts us. It allows us to rise in frequency so we can access the upper realms of our being, so we can download ideas, inspiration, profound wisdom - from our very souls themselves. The Truth of our being. To connect with such profound wisdom, we use four fundamental approaches to raise our Shakti, to meet our Shiva - and create inspired action. First, the use of chanting and mantras, as this unlocks our beings and allows us to rise to receive this Divine wisdom from our own beings - like tuning a radio to the right station, to hear clarity rather than feedback. We use the practice of meditation to allow our minds to dissolve within the grandeur of our beings - our essential nature who is always willing to come forward - to hold us, to inspire us, to love us - to be One with us. The teachings of the Gita, which are designed to unlock our essential natures and call them forward in the presence of such great Truth, as we fight the battle within between darkness and truth - and come out victorious - our inner Arjuna, transforming into our essential natures - and becoming Krishna. And to bring this all together – Wisdom - the speaking and the receiving of truth, as a collective. Wisdom is where we gather in Truth, for the Truth, to Be The Truth - and in so doing, enter into the Truth that exists within us all, where we are One.
To cultivate the balance of Air (Shiva) within (Ideas & Inspiration):
The Bhagavad Gita
Mantra & Chanting